Le journal du front allié

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Faute de temps, ma traduction n'est pas terminée. Vous trouverez dans mon journal aussi bien de l'anglais que du francais...Nous avons débuter la campagne en octobre 1997 ici à Toulouse (France). Voici les sujets abordés par le journal :

Campagne n°1 Introduction Les joueurs        
1941 Jan/Fev Mar/Avr Mai/Juin Jul/Août Sep/Oct Nov/Dec
1942 Jan/Fev Mar/Avr Mai/Juin Jul/Août Sep/Oct Nov/Dec
1943 Jan/Fev Mar/Avr Mai/Juin Jul/Août Sep/Oct Nov/Dec
1944 Jan/Fev Mar/Avr Mai/Juin Jul/Août Sep/Oct Nov/Dec
1945 Jan/Fev Mar/Avr Mai/Juin Jul/Août Sep/Oct Nov/Dec


   Lebensraum (Maiy/juin 1941 à Juillety/Août 1945).
   Cartes utilisées : les quatres cartes habituelles.
   Liste des principales options utilisées :

2 Divisions 5 Fortifications 7 Engénieurs 14 Derricks 16 Prêts 22 Mines marines
31 sauvegarde de BP 37 invasions restreintes. 39 support de QG 46 Partisans 48 Pétrole 61 Offensive chits

   Paris : Les joueurs de l'axe ont misé 10 fois plus que les alliés. Il vont être obligés de jouer de façon aggressive.
   Nombre de joueurs : 4

US / CW / CHn USSR / FR / CHc JA / IT GE
Cedric (Me) Vincent Serge Manuel

Quelques mots sur les joueurs

  Cedric : Je ne pense pas jouer trop mal. Mon seul problème est d'inover de nouvelles tactiques originales J'aime jouer l'attaquant, me déplaçant dans les failles de la défence ennemis pour l'obliger a reculer s'il veut garder un front solide. J'essaye de concentrer mes forces sur les points faibles de l'ennemi, ce qui nécessite une grande mobilité de ma part ! J'avais plutôt tendance à jouer les puissances majeures de l'axe, aussi je ne suis guère à l'aise dans le pacific !
  Vincent : C'est le spécialiste des armées terrestres. En tout cas c'était mon opinion avant qu'il ne joue les russes ;-) Sa tactique favorite est l'encerclement de l'ennemi. Il prefère défendre, laissant son adversaire pénétrer dans ses défences et s'y faire enfermer...
  Serge : C'est un excellent joueur de forces navales. Le pacifique est pour moi un cauchemard ! Il aime la mobilité et n'est pas mauvais à cet exercice. Toutefois il hésite souvent à attaquer à moins de 5 contre1, mais comme il combine ses forces de façon casi parfaite, il atteint souvent des rapports élevés.
  Manuel : C'est le joueur le moins expérimenté de nous tous. Il n'est pas si mauvais, mais ne retient pas ses erreurs et n'arrète pas de poser des questions stupides (c'est énervant à force...).  Il n'hésite pas à attaquer à de faibles rapports, ce qui le rend parfois difficile à contrer. Il est un peu trop lent à jouer mais cela ne l'empèche pas de faire de nombreuses erreurs.

Mai/juin 1941, Tour 1

Le front de l'est La guerre du pacifique La guerre de l'atlantique et le front ouest La guerre méditerranéenne
La russie attaquée ! Honolulu envahi ! Gibraltar saved ! Gibraltar saved !
Le mauvais temps ralenti la progression des armées allemandes en russie. Le japon utilise d'entré son 'offensive chit' pour jouer un nombre non limité d'unités. Le japon déclare la guerre aux USA (je suis heureux d'être si tôt dans la guerre! ). Il décide au premier 'impulse' de débarquer à Honolulu. Aussi, il encercle l'île et la bombarde (mes unités sont non ravitaillées, et certaines désorganisées). Il n'a que 3 chances sur 10 de prendre l'île, et son lancé est tel qu'il ne subit aucune perte... Toute ma flotte est alors 'overruned' : 40% des navires sont détruits mias aucuns capturés (Le joueur japonais commence à prétendre qu'il n'ont pas de chance! ). Les navires sont alors rebasés dans des ports autour d'Honolulu, où ils seront encore une fois 'overruned'. La casi totalité de la flotte américaine est alors non ravitaillée; le japon domine le pacifique. The figth start seriously. Germany uses an offensive chit to make unlimited moves. All his naval units (setted up in France !) sails at sea next to Gibraltar in order to invade the city. Gibraltar might be unsupplied, which mean no chance of survival ! The German player is not used to play naval units, all his naval units are spread in the sea boxes, and he gets surprised by my only naval unit at sea ! his TRS sinks, and finally my naval unit stays at sea so Gibraltar is still in supply... the invasion fails (i breathe again). The Italian player wants the med to be his. To achieve that goal, still in that dam first impulse, he tries to invade Gibraltar... We choosed to play with the Divs (option 2) and without the Amphibious rules (option 26). This combinaison gives the Axis a great chance to take Gibraltar in the first impulse of the scenario ! But the Italian did not set up his units properly, he can't invade with more than one unit.
The invasion fails. The Axis immediately turn towards Egypt. All my naval units are defending the convoys, so Egypt is left on it's own for the whole turn.

Initiative : The Axis start and end the turn. The init shifts on the 0..
Weather : 9, 2, 10 ,8, 9.

  Germany Italy Japan CW China USA Free French USSR
Total BP 18 6 10 21 6 35 - 28
Oil spent ? ? ? ? 0 ? 0 ?

July/august 1941, Turn 2

The East Front The Pacific War The Atlantic War & West front The Mediterranean War
USSR Attacked ! US fleet unsupplied ! Subs against convoys ! Egypt under presure !

Germany aims east, attacking quite succesfully USSR, crushing my partner's units in a blitzkieg offensive. Lucky for him, the german player does not intend to ever move in the 2nd hex on a breakthrough result (I leave his partner remind him this rule). Most of his units are moving north to attack Leningrad. Hopefully for the russian, the weather gets bad...

The great mobility of the japanese  fleet let them invade the Netherland East Indies with the honolulu marines.
The US sends reiforcement in the pacific.
The axis subs spread in all seas. A full CW TRS is intercepted and sunk.All the CW naval units are used to escort convoys and reinforcements. The east italian forces and the west german forces move both towards Cairo. The three CW corps defending Egypt get reinforcement at the end of the turn.
Anyway,  Egypt is isoled east by the italian naval units and west by the japanese naval untis.

Initiative : The Allies start (after asking for re-roll) and the Axis end the turn.The init is on Axis +1.
Weather : 8, 10, 4, 6.

Germany Italy Japan CW China USA Free French USSR
Total BP 24 8 10 16 7 35 0 22
Oil spent 9 ? ? 6 0 3 0 2

September/october 1941, Turn 3

The East Front The Pacific War The Atlantic War & West front The Mediterranean War
Moscow under pressure ! Camberra attacked ! Brest invaded ! Naval battle won !
North, the german units manage to move up to Moscow. South they are blocked at Kiev. The rescue fleet did not manage to supply the US fleet in Australia. Meanwhile, the japanese land forces take the Philipines.they declare Madagascar theirs. To sum up, Singapore is an island in the japanese sphere. Japan units lands in Australia and helped by invading forces attack Camberra at 4:1. hopefully he rolled a 1 ! The occasion was too good. I invaded the unsuplied port of Brest : it was full of subs and flipped Navs ! A german sub was captured, the rest destroyed !
The axis threat in the atlantic is over (at least for a few turns).
Huge battles in the med and nearly all the italian and vichy french naval units are sank. The rusults were : 10X and 2A for the axis, 5X and 1D for the allies
Last turn's reinforcement managed to cut the italian forces supply. Despite being unsupplied,  those italians decided to take Cairo.But there are then easily destroyed.

Initiative : The Axis start and end the turn.The init counter shifts on 0.
Weather : 6, 5, 3, 3, 2.

  Germany Italy Japan CW China USA Free French USSR
Total BP ? ? ? 18 ? 35 0 ?
Oil spent 8 3 4 5 0 2 0 2

November/December 1941, Turn 4

The East Front The Pacific War The Atlantic War & West front The Mediterranean War
Moscow lost ! Autralia lost ! Peaceful atlantic. Egypt invaded !
The german land units progress in north USSR. They now hold everything from north of Moscow. The russian can't prevent them taking Moscow. Nevertheless, all the german advanced too deep and where about to be unsupplied. There was 50% chances the turn would not end, and then 10% the weather would be fine...the german played and the fine weather keep all their units in supply to counter attack ! My luck could not last. The next japanese attempt to take Camberra at 4:1 was the good one.Anyway, Sydney is still under US control ! The only threat are dispatched german naval units based in Africa.. The german units transported by what's left of the italian fleet invades Egypt. They re-embark immediatly to reinforce Syria.

Initiative : The Axis start (after the allies ask for a re-roll) and end the turn. The counter stays on the 0.
Weather : 8, 4, 7, 2.

  Germany Italy Japan CW China USA Free French USSR
Total BP ? 11 11 16 ? 44 0 ?
Oil spent 6 2 4 6 0 1 0 ?

January/febuary 1942, Turn 5

The East Front The Pacific War The Atlantic War & West front The Mediterranean War
No hope for USSR. Threat on Australian US base ! Axis back in the Atlantic ! Med under control.
The russian plan to unsupply the german army failed last turn. He became all the more hopeless when the axis won the initiative. This meant they were going to play twice in a row. The northen russian forces blowed away... The japanese land forces are blocked in Australia. They slowly move toward Sydney to attack the US HQ (guarding the US fleet). The subs are back, italian this time. No battle fought, everyone tries to keep its forces supplied.

Initiative : The Axis start (after the allies ask for a re-roll) and end the turn. The counter stays on the 0.
Weather : 7, 6.

  Germany Italy Japan CW China USA Free French USSR
Total BP ? 15 17 27 ? 45 0 ?
Oil spent 2 1 3 2 0 2 0 1

March/april 1942, Turn 6

The East Front The Pacific War The Atlantic War & West front The Mediterranean War
Russian front established ? US fleet rescued ! No subs in sight ! No troop movement.
The russian airforce managed to destroy many german airplanes so almost all the german attacks fail. The baltic sea is forever free of german convoys: the CW Nav destroyed germany's last convoy! The very bad weather let the Royal navy and a US rescue fleet to supply the US fleet stuck in Australia for nearly a year !
Meanwhile, China starts an offensive (without fighting). The communists' units go north round the front. The nationalists' forces moves takes Taiwan and also liberates Indochina !
The italian subs sail in the whole Atlantic, but no battle is fought. The bad weather prevent all sea interceptions.

Initiative : The Allies start the turn (after the Axis ask for a re-roll) and the Axis end the turn. The counter shifts on the Allies +1.
Weather : 8, 9, 2.

  Germany Italy Japan CW China USA Free French USSR
Total BP 23 15 11 18 ? 39 0 28
Oil spent 3 ? 4 6 0 5 0 2

May/june 1942, Turn 7

The East Front The Pacific War The Atlantic War & West front The Mediterranean War
Russian desperated. Catastrophic withdraw. Allied Reinforcement. Allied victory ?
The Russian kept asking for a west invasion. Germany was still progressing further in USSR. The US fleet sails far away from Australia. The low range of some ships prevent the fleet to reach the American Map. Japan sails out for a huge naval conflict ! The forces are almost the same, but as usual my whole fleet is surprised... and 80% of my rescued fleet sank. The survivors reached the French polynesia. The Axis subs are a real threat to the convoys. The escort is greater than ever. Most of the TRS sailed to the US to carry more units to England. Instead of heading south, the strongest Axis forces went east towards Persia. No need to say the axis units left had to withdraw further not to be crushed. Meanwhile the invade Saudi Arabia and walks to the capital..

Initiative : The Allies start the turn and the Axis end the turn.
Weather : ?.

  Germany Italy Japan CW China USA Free French USSR
Total BP                
Oil spent                

July/august 1942, Turn 8

The East Front The Pacific War The Atlantic War & West front The Mediterranean War
Little hope for Russia. The US surrenders ! Confident Allies. Allied victory ?
It was a relief for the Russian player to hear about UK's northen plans. Germany has nearly no units in the west, so all the troops will be taken from the east front. In addition, if the Allies manages to take Finland, Russia would then send reinforcement towards Turkey. As the US, i wanted the initiative to invade an island where the japanese fleet went back to port. I left Half of my fleet at sea to prevent the enemy to be a threat... and i lost the initiative, and he had exactly the same idea: invade my last major port out of the USA. He swept my protection as i was surprised (as usual), and then he invaded the island with success ! Half of my fleet was destroyed or captured, the rest sank trying to pass the Japanese fleet... 100% of the US fleet consisted in 2CV, 1 SCS and 3TRS. No one would be able to stop Japan from taking the pacific, threating the Atlantic and reinforce the Axis in the Med, so the USA surrended. As no damage is done by the axis' subs, allies units will be in position to invade/paradrop both Danemark and Norway next turn. The goal of this tactic is to capture Finland in 2 turns! Then, land units will land north of Germany and air units will bomb German's factory. The axis units go through Persia and arrive in USSR. Germany might align Turkey this turn ! Anyway, the axis units left will not last long, except if turkish units reinforce the front.

Initiative : The Axis start the turn(after the Allies ask for a re-roll) .
Weather : too good !.

  Germany Italy Japan CW China USA Free French USSR
Total BP                
Oil spent                

La Guerre est finie

Les forces de l'axe ont gagné, mais la résistance s'installe à jamais.